Computer Ink – How Can You Save It And Make It Last As Long
You must have heard of the saying, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Based on this saying, the present article will show how computer ink can be saved to cut down the recurring costs of the inkjet cartridge. There are small things that you could do effortlessly and watch your cartridge last longer and longer.
Follow These Steps To Save Your Ink
1. Print only in economy or draft mode, unless you need it otherwise. The ‘economy mode’ is under the ‘properties’ box, after you have ordered for printing (after pressing ctrl+p). Keep this setting as default, and change it only when you need to have official matter/ letters printed. This will save your computer ink the most.
2. Do not use color printing every time you take a print out. Print your drafts in black and white, set your colors on the screen, and only when you have everything finalized allow it to come out in color. The black and white ink boxes are easy to refill and they do not cost half as much as the color boxes. Hence, it is best to conserve the computer ink there as much as possible.
3. In case you need to have a print out for reading or correcting, try printing the matter as two pages per page, i.e. the computer will assign two pages for every sheet of paper in the tray. In this way you save both on paper and on the ink.
4. Do not use your inkjet to print photographs for the family album. It will cost much less if you use the professional services of a photo lab than printing it at home, though the latter is much more convenient and fun. However, remember that a photograph will have a myriad of colors which will absorb most of your computer ink reserves.
5. Use emails instead of letters – you will not need to print the letter; you will not need to type envelopes, and you will not need to pay postage. Get accustomed to sending and receiving emails which is a lot more fun than sending letters. While you are at it, learn to activate a web cam so the recipient can see you, and learn how to accept web cam transmission so you can see the person you are talking to.
The above are but a few ways to minimize the use of computer ink which, in the long run will save you a small fortune.